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2019 statement from IMI plc (“IMI”) in relation to the steps taken to prevent slavery and human trafficking pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”)

IMI continues to believe all companies must take their role seriously in preventing modern day slavery and human trafficking. IMI utilises a combination of general corporate responsibility policies and specific supply chain compliance actions to combat modern slavery in its supply chain. These include; the IMI Way and the IMI Code of Conduct, IMI Supplier Code of Conduct and Audit Process, IMI New Supplier Approval and Self-Declaration Process, IMI Standard Procurement Contracts and relevant staff training.

1. The IMI Way and Code of Conduct

2. IMI Supplier Code of Conduct and Audit Process

3. IMI New Supplier Approval and Declaration Process

4. IMI Standard Procurement Contracts and Staff Training

This statement was approved by the Board of IMI plc.

Roy Twite
Chief Executive Officer

25 February 2020